Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Justice League of America #8 Review

Martian Manhunter and Stargirl are the only ones left. Getting out is a cakewalk compared to getting the others out.

We finally manage to catch up with the Justice Leaguers in the aftermath of Trinity War. As we see what has happened to the different heroes, J'onn tries to salvage anyone he can with the help of one of his fellow heroes.

And the different 'prisons' are specific to the psychology of the hero. Rendered well, we see how being a hero doesn't remove the weaknesses inherent in the person.

The art complements the story very well and there are enough seeds planted in this book that help make this story seem relevant in the bigger scheme of Forever Evil.

SPOILERS follow........................

The story was well written for a filler story. It gave a good glimpse of the psychology of the different heroes. I'm still waiting to see why Stargirl was able to escape (a sort-a clue is given). There are enough mysteries to be uncovered and that makes me eager to see where Stargirl and J'onn are taken next.

The problem with tie-in books is that they most often feel like they're going through the motions until the event ends. God knows that was a problem with both Batman and Green Lantern. But JL #8 brought up enough threads to keep the readers interested in how things would go from here.

So, I give this 8.0 out of 10

+A good psychological examination of the heroes
+The art complemented the story very well
+J'onn written well
+Enough seeds planted to keep the reader interested

-It was that easy to escape the prison?

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