Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S #4 Review

It's a jungle in here.

We meet up with Steve Trevor and his surprising team as they start the quest to find Firestorm and in the process, reveal more secrets of the DC universe.

Gates is still finding his feet as the plot continues to wind and divert instead of actually following a coherent pacing.

The artwork is weak here as faces and spread-shots are haphazard.


The cover is most probably a flashback, it doesn't happen here. So, no Wonder Woman is not back yet to save this book.

Black Bison kills an A.R.G.U.S agent in Metropolis as Plastique's team tries to get in touch with Killer Frost.

Killer Frost on the other hand has joined Professor Stein and Steve Trevor in trying to find Firestorm, who is rapidly reaching critical mass.

They come to the conclusion that telepaths may be the only way to disrupt the matrix and contact a trapped Leaguer.

Killer Frost finally reveals that she has a Syndicate coin and Steve realizes that as a two-way comm, it can transmit their location and maybe even what they're saying.

No sooner than those words come out, Stein's cabin is besieged by Plastique's team.Distracting them for the moment, Stein leads Trevor and Frost 'downstairs' where the Professor has kept 4 unlisted teleportation pods.

Elsewhere, the President and Lt. Candy talk with 'Mr.Green' about Candy's promotion, which is something that I'm slowly finding frivolous.

Using them, the three are transported to A.R.G.U.S's Detroit Station just as the attackers reach them. Making sure they aren't followed, Trevor leads the group to the Circus where apparently A.R.G.U.S has been 'storing' the dimensional interlopers (designated breachers).

One of them, Psi, a recent import, is released to act as their telepath but she comes in contact with Steve and we get various fractured memories all at once.

As Psi is restrained, Steve decides that instead of searching for a telepath or Firestorm, their main aim should be following Xanadu's clues and capturing the Lasso of Truth, currently in the possession of Cheetah.

SPOILERS END............
Gates has had problem since this title's inception and it continues with it's wayward plotting.

The mission parameters keep changing every issue and there seems to be no rhyme to the changes. Making Frost a reluncant hero is a good twist, but the humanization may be going too far.

Trevor himself comes off as irrational and frankly, I've yet to like his potrayal as the pining ex-lover in the New 52 so far.

So, I give it 5.0 out of 10

+Frost is given some good moments
+We learn more about the DC universe

-The art is below par
-Frost may be humanized too much, if that's possible
-Steve's choices continues to feel off
-Haphazard pacing

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