Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man #4 Review

You are not alone.

Spiraling out of Original Sin, Peter meets the second person to be bitten by the spider…and it won’t be a happy reunion!

The main storyline takes a backseat and given that Silk is infectiously likable, it’s okay.

Ramos’s artwork continues to be good, though Silk’s design is meh at best.


Testing the new Electro resistant suit, Peter is called away on Avengers duty. Anna Maria tries to cover for him and fails, as Sajani declares she will stop this hide-and-seek game once and for all.

Spider-Man goes neck deep into Original Sin where the Watcher has been murdered and his eyes have been stolen. The Watcher is the omniscient resident of the Moon who has watched Earth’s entire history – and all its secrets.

As Peter and the rest fight to reclaim the Watcher’s eyes, the Orb reveals one of them and this sends shockwaves through everyone as they remember hidden histories associated with them.

And for Peter it is that there was another one bitten at the same time he was.

Apparently, Ezekiel put her in a prison so that Morlun’s arrival to kill the Spiders could be avoided.

Morlun was the chief antagonist of the Other (and a very badass one at that. He ripped out Peter’s eye for god sakes) during which Peter died and was reborn with new powers.

Ezekiel himself wanted those powers but in the end, sacrificed himself so that Peter could live. It appears he had located Cindy very early in his quest (maybe even before he knew of Peter) and locked her in a containment cell all because of….

Morlun. That name sends a shiver down any Spidey reader’s spine. Of all the adversaries Pete has faced, I would say this guy ranks at the very top.

It seems Morlun is drawn to her….and calls her the spinner or the ‘Spider Bride’. And when Peter rushes in and removes all of Ezekiel’s safeguards, Morlun catches her scent.

At first, Cindy is aggravated that years of self-sacrifice has gone down the drain, but is relieved when Peter says Morlun is dead.

She attempts to leave the cell but Peter tells her to get a costume first, which she does pronto by using her web to create a totally web based one! Not exactly that good, this just shows how much control she has over her powers after years of only obsessing over them.

At Parker Industries, Black Cat photographs each move that the employees are making regarding the Electro restraint measures but decides it’s time to take it to the next level – and kidnaps Sajani.

Things turn sour though as she makes her way home to find her family gone, and then when Peter reveals he fought Morlun twice and he returned from the dead the second time.

Silk (Cindy’s new moniker) attempts to hurt Peter, saying that Morlun is still out there, but suddenly they seem to both take leave of their senses….

And kiss.

I like the new character already. She isn’t the clichéd maniac that most closeted comic book people have been.

Ezekiel’s intentions seem to be noble when it comes to Silk, but can we not make this Peter’s fault?

Morlun’s appearances have always been epic and I’m looking forward to it. The 'Hunting Spiders' theme though feels too much of a retread from the Grim Hunt arc.


With the imminent return of one of Spider-Man’s major foes, this chapter introduced Peter to Silk as the Black Cat arc took a back seat.

I loved this issue, but I think unless you’re following Original Sin, you may not understand a crucial plot point.

So, I give this 8.5 out of 10.

+Silk proves a great character

+Imminent return of a major foe

+The ending!

+Artwork is good

-Again, it’s Peter’s fault

-Major plot point tied into another storyline

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