Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Justice League Dark #29 Review

Final rites.

This issue chronicles Zatanna’s thoughts after they defeat Faust and apparently Constantine becomes the big bad. Though things take an interesting turn, this issue, especially with Zatanna’s non-stop inner monologue reverts to epilogue type.

But what really falters is Constantine’s forced actions. Instead of creating a complex character as Blight has tried to do through the entire crossover, the u-turn near the end feels a little out of character – especially when Zatanna starts narrarating the events piece-by-piece.

The artwork isn’t that bad but fails when trying to portray the facial expressions.


In Phantom Stranger #17, Phantom Stranger tried to first gain Chris Esperanza’s help (the guy who turned from Blight to God’s Agent of Compassion) but is prevented by the Presence and the Spectre. He then solicits the Sons’ of Trigon help and together they prepare to go to Nanda Parbat.

In Constantine #12, Constanine is released and forced to do battle with his possessed teammates before being able to kill Necro as he’s dropped to Hell. Zauriel manages to save him.

In Pandora #9, Pandora and the rest try to stop Felix Faust who manages to absorb all the magic of the captive users. But Constantine apparently manages to kill Faust and starts absorbing the magic from the fallen Faust.

Outside the project facility, the torn wings of Zauriel reform and start to surround the complex. Inside, Faust is revealed to be not dead while Constantine, despite Pandora’s pleas, takes every ounce of magic from Faust.

In a twist, it is revealed that the real Constantine and Zatanna are still trapped underground but Zatanna breaks out and confronts the other Constantine.

The ‘fake’ Constantine tells them his true purpose for the absorption – to act as a conduit as the magic users are given back their abilites at the cost of his life. As it reverts back to a demon form, Pandora reminds him that when Constantine was exposed to the box, his demonic self separated and apparently has been trying to do exactly what the real Constantine has never allowed himself to be – a hero.

The demon’s death leads to a brief moment of silence, before the Sons of Trigon attack the group. As they fight, Constantine teleports out of the arena – leaving the rest, but especially, Zatanna to their fates.

As they fight, the Spirits of Nanda Parbat converge in the form of Zauriel’s wings and start moving Nanda Parbat into another dimension. Zatanna uses her magic to stall the process so that the others can escape.

This leaves Nanda Parbat an active volcano and before they deal with this situation, Zatanna pays a visit to the House of Mystery – kicking out its owner Constantine and becoming the new holder.

I’m not sure I liked how they depicted Constantine during this event. Most of his actions came off as forced and while I did like the demon-being-better-than-the-man theme, the explanation by Pandora came off as half-baked.

Zatanna’s constant monologing also grated. The over-exposition led to several moments when I was forced to read her words instead of being able to ascertain a view of my own.


The ending of the Blight event, while giving a good though half-baked twist, doesn’t live up to its status as a big finale as over-exposition and some forced action leave it a little underwhelming.

So, I give it 6.5 out of 10

+A good twist near the end
+Zatanna has some good moments

-Too much exposition
-Some of Constantine’s actions come across as forced.

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