Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Red Lanterns #29 Review

We need to talk about Kara.

As Red Daughter of Krypton continues, Kara must adjust to the life of a Red Lantern – while Guy and the rest decide whether they want to keep her as a Red or not.

There are some great beats here as Soule captures the angsty super teen vibe Supergirl is giving off very well, playing her against seasoned veterans like Zox and Skallox.

The artwork is gritty as usual, with Guy coming across as world-weary while Supergirl is the opposite, reveling in her new found power.


It’s quite amazing how much endearing Skallox and Zilius Zox have become since Soule took over. Guy’s taking over has led to the personal quirks jumping out that would have been absent under Atrocitus’ hive mind structure.

Skallox revealing in his ‘favorite thing’ – a missile launcher, as he tests it against the new Red, Supergirl aka Kara Zor-El, is brilliantly done. The fact that Zox’s acidic vomiting on the ‘bar’ floor after drinking too much is referenced quite naturally here is a testament to how much Red Lanterns has come since Johns’ era ended.

Guy on the other hand is the contemplative type here. He’s worried about Kara being a live-wire and decides to stall her while he visits Superman.

Helping with a tidal wave, Guy tries to speak about Kara with Clark, but an angry Supergirl arriving at the scene spoils Guy’s plans. Soule doesn’t revert to Guy vs Superman or the like, as he could have easily done.

Instead they do something quite natural – they talk. Kara’s outburst on learning that she is forever a Red unless a Blue Lantern appears feels organic as does her steady acceptance of it.

There is a great visual of Red Lantern Supergirl playing baseball with a ship as a bat and Superman as the ball.

As Superman and Guy call a truce, the Reds return to Ysmault to find a returning member – the injured Bleez. And Guy learns that Atrocitus is still alive.

It’s excellent handling of each and every character that Soule brings to the table. From the cameo by Superman, to Kara’s development – there’s never a beat wrong.

The only problem could be that I don’t think Superman was drawn all too well. His eyes ever so often shrunk back into their sockets, and his muscularity was erratically presented.


Kara’s introduction may not have been too well done, but her progress and her two ‘families’ reaction to this is expertly handled by Soule.

The art hits most of its bits though it falters when handling the cameo character.

So, I give it 9.0 out of 10.

+Some excellent character moments
+Humor is something that the New 52 overly lacks – but not this title
+Supergirl’s development is organically handled
+Some excellent artwork…………..

-Except when it comes to Superman

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