Friday, September 20, 2013

Batman #23.3 Penguin

Don't bully Cobblepot.

Penguin is coming off a very annoying arc concerning the Emperor Penguin guy, but this creates a very interesting scenario for Oswald Cobbelpot.

He's not the biggest bird in the flock anymore. And as he watches others trying to take away what is his, his feathers get ruffled further.

But at the end, he proves that he has both the ability and the resources to hold his own, no matter the cost.

SPOILERs follow................

Oswald is monitoring the Iceberg Casino and is not pleased by what he sees. Being cleaned out by most, he can't resist the impulse to lash out when a group of magicians win. Politely telling them to return their ill-gotten gains, he is met with disrespect and laughter.

Well a bird can only take so much.

In a truely graphic manner, he dispatches all of them by himself, finally saying it's been three years since he killed someone.

But the true meat of the story comes afterward as we see that the governor, Carter Winston, who has promised to remove the Iceberg Casino was an old school/college friend of Oswald who protected him from bullies.

But, when he meets up with Carter, he is rudely told that he has become a bully and the Casino must go. Oswald doesn't take kindly to this threat and what follows is gruesome at the least.

As Carter drinks the champagne, he falls asleep (implying Cobblepot drugged it) and when he wakes up, he finds himself in bed with a headless woman, and blood all over.

A chilling trap is retold. Carter was doused with Venom (the drug Bane uses as a strength enhancement) and attacked his secretary, killing her and most possibly eating her head.Oswald then reveals he has planted a series of texts that intimate that the Governor and his secretary had a sexual relationship.

Next day, while addressing the press conference, as Carter steps up, the Penguin heaves a sign of relief.

Then, the governor shoots himself.

As Penguin recollects all the 'bullies' who have tried to put him down over the years and goes over a series of news clippings concerning the mysterious deaths of those school bullies, he says that they all forgot that the Penguin always has the last word.

SPOILERS end........................

The art and dialogue was superb. You could see Penguin's expression change with every step - irritation to amusement, consternation to finality, all were done well.

The story was good, though nothing spectacular. But the bully theme was well handled.

In all, a very good glimpse into the life of the feathered crime lord of Gotham.

So, I give it 8.0 out of 10.

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