Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Batman #23.4 Bane

He took the city once but it's protector saved it from him.

But now, there's no Batman. Only Bane. And Gotham will fall.

We finally see the man who's likely to be the prime focus of the upcoming miniseries Arkham War in all his glory and might.

First of all, this is my first view of Bane in the New 52 (save for the horrible cameo in Forever Evil #1). I think he did appear in Batman The Dark Knight but don't fret, there is nothing here that depends on any other storyline. All you need is to know who Bane is.

As for Arkham War, this is all about how Bane arrives at the scene and gains the Blackgate prisoner's loyalty moments before the Crime Syndicate takes over the communications through Grid. But sadly as a prologue to Arkham War, it lacks the same depth that the Scarecrow one-shot had through there is more focus on the title character himself - Bane.

We get a large overview of how Bane became who he is and how he manages his island of Santa Prisca, once his prison. There's nothing new here to those who already know Bane's origin and status as dictator of that island. The interesting parts mainly comes in the final eight pages as we see Bane approaching Gotham and the mass breakout at Blackgate Penitentiary.

If you want a prologue to Arkham War, you may be a little disappointed, but this issue more than makes up for it by showing Bane's motivations for Gotham and giving a glimpse of his modus operandi.

So, buy it if you're a Bane fan and want a glimpse at his New 52 avatar. Otherwise as a prologue to Arkham War, it doesn't prove as good.

SPOILERS follow................

Is it just me, or did Bane hitting that girl feel a little too much. I've always felt Bane of all of Batman's rogues should be more of a gray shade. But it seems Tomasi is pulling no punches. Through it was a nice touch seeing that he kept that rose and then later on dropped it into the ocean.

It was great seeing Knightfall is still canon. It totally deserves to be, as it is the definitive Bane story.

The gore in this book is really really high. Regular bursts of blood arise as Bane beats the living crap out of everyone. There is neck snapping and back breaking as well. But the cherry on top of the cake (?)  is when Bane frisbee-s the face off a blonde fighter.

This issue made me look at Finch's villains spread with more of a disapproving eye. I never believe it is justifiable to include as many people as you can if they don't belong there.Bane definitely stands out in light of this one-shot. But the inclusion of White Rabbit, Reaper and the Tweedledum-Tweedledee combo was appropriate here.

So, I give this 7.5 out of 10.

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