Friday, September 13, 2013

Justice League of America #07.2 Killer Frost

Killer Frost.

For years, she had been restricted to a Firestorm B-lister villain. But it seems that the Injustice game has helped her get a little spotlight.

To be frank, I haven't been exactly a fan. Already having too many 'cold' themed villains (Cap Cold, Mr Freeze, Icicle, Icicle Jr), I wasn't particularly able to 'warm' up to her. And the Batman and the Bold episode didn't endear her to me.

But this issue has really changed my mind and I look forward to her appearances in the future. The thing of 'needing it' more than an outright desire to 'kill' (as in JLU) was able to resonate, especially with the 'cold' theme. And this tied into Firestorm quite nicely.

The issue opened with a woman frozen to death outside a Star Labs outpost and I have to credit the way it was drawn going from inside her mouth to the outside blizzard (the dialogues were very good as well). Dr Snow (a little on the nose) arrived to replace a deceased colleague and was greeted by Dr Nolan (!). After introductions, we saw her dedication and love for the snow. Then she undertook the completion of her predecessor's project.

On completing it, she was ambushed by the other members by H.I.V.E, a secret organization which had tried to stop the project for fear that it would prove useful to the world. Locked in, she was transformed into a cold based creature that drained the 'warmth' from her victims. The other members were dispatched (the effect was similar to Parasite) and when she finally reached a city, she battled Firestorm. One blast was able to transform her back to her human form, but it was temporary.

And now with the Crime Syndicate, seemingly having killed the Justice League (of which Firestorm was a member), she has lost her only chance to be normal.

The dialogue was crisp and good and I really liked how Snow's motivations as Frost were so well done. The only thing ix that this seems so familiar (scientist gets trapped in an experiment and becomes a metahuman ) but I won't hold it against the writer. He did a good job overall.

So, I give this 8.5 out of 10

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