Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3 Review

Ivy needs the Rogues' help.

Now this is how you do it. Especially when you have Gotham in the mix (seemingly before Arkham War).

We again get a deep exploration of the Rogues philosophy and while Poison Ivy seems like a plot device, Buccellato knows how to use her well.

The art is also appropriate through the faces still look a little too under-done.

SPOILERS FOLLOW......................

Poison Ivy has captured the Rogues (sans Captain Cold, he's now in Forever Evil) and wants them to run a little errand.

When they refuse to comply, she chooses Trickster (who is already flirting) and kisses him, thereby setting a non-negotiable deal - either get Ivy the sunlight for her plants or let their friend die.

As Mirror Master and Heatwave venture into Man Bat territory to find some technology the former requires, Sam thinks of how he's going to lead them in a world without light. Heatwave makes it worse by saying that they shouldn't be helping Ivy to save the Trickster (after they have an unseen view of the Ventriloquist turning the notion of damsel-in-distress on it's head) .

But when some Man Bats attack them, Sam risks his life to save Heatwave. If Heatwave may be a little on the line about the Rogues, Sam is steadfast in the ideals he learnt from Cold.

Meanwhile, Weather Wizard's foul temper has led to it raining, and he tells Ivy that he lost any notion of honor when his brother was killed by a woman he trusted. This leads to Ivy asking why he is with the Rogues, and Wizard has no answer.

Returning, Sam is able to use his newly acquired technology to use a satellite to turn the sun's reflection towards Gotham (watched by Mr Freeze) but before he is able to do more, he starts to loose his grip on the earth but the revived Trickster is able to save him.

Leaving Ivy to deal with her own problems, they are first attacked by a Man Bat and then by Mr Freeze and Clayface.

Things keep getting worse, don't they?

SPOILERS END..................................

Doing a great exploration of the Rogues, Buccellato keeps outdoing the other villain miniseries (Arkham War) and it will be a shame to see him leave the Flash family after this.

If you like a good villain story well told, pick this up.

So, I give it 9.0 out of 10

+Great exploration of the characters
+Some great plot pacing
+Some cool tech use

-The art remains a slightly sore point.

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