Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Green Lantern Corps #26 Review

The Corps will fall even before they can rebuild.

As we take a look at some of the secondary Lanterns, John Stewart resolves some issues while the Durlans conspire to overthrow the Corps.

First of all, Arisia is back in the limelight! And while she has a new design (looking more elfish than ever), this issue focuses on Jruk mostly.

Vendetti continues as co-writer as Green Lantern Corps follows the events of Green Lantern #26 and we see the Durlans advancing in their plans in a terrifying manner.

SPOILERS FOLLOW.................

This book feels like a Corps book again. After focusing so much on John, then Guy, we finally get to see the new recruits post-Tomasi. Each have unique characteristics, and this issue focuses on Jruk in a very good way.

But first, we meet up with John and the others who were separated from Hal's group as they await Hal's return from capturing the rogue Star Sapphire.

As they try to lower the Citadel onto the ground, John uses a lot of ring energy, which earns him a rebuke from those trying to conserve it due to Relic's reveal that the ring energy is limited and each use brings the universe closer to death.

Kilowog informs John that Jruk's planet is forming an alliance with the Khund. With Arisia and Feska, Jruk travels to Oranx while John straightens a few things out with Jordan.

Since the start of Lights Out, Hal has had a hard task, but he hasn't exactly gone at it the right way. Asking Guy to join the Red Lanterns just before the Blue Lanterns are killed (and Kyle is still MIA) and then declaring war on all other light lanterns. John takes out all his frustrations but Hal is able to reason with him.

Elsewhere, a Durlan shape-shifts into a leading member of the Oranxian council and when the Lanterns arrive, takes the shape of one who got separated (Feska) and kills a gladiator. When Jrux protects Feska, he is banished (but not before doing a great arm construct!) from the planet.

Elsewhere, John and Ywarra spend a tender moment after Mogo helps rebuild the Green Lantern City using John's designs while below, a monk goes into one of the underground chambers and it is revealed that the Durlans have been on Mogo since Lights Out!

SPOILERS END...........................

Shedding light on someone other than the Earth Lanterns, this was a refreshing read, though I was a bit let down that John let Hal's stupidity go so easily.

Again, this is a slow burn without too much to go on, as the Durlans attack seem to be taking one step at a time, but the reveals are good and I remain eager to see the Durlan proper attack.

So, I give it 7.0 out of 10

+Arisia comes to the fore again!
+Focuses on the secondary Lanterns

-Pacing is off
-John-Hal conflict resolves too easily

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