Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Flash #32 Review

Time to bond.

Future Barry meets up with another Rogue as he continues his journey back in time, as present Flash tries to solve the case of the copycat killer.

Vendetti presents some touching moments in the future section, and the present one is getting better as well.

Booth himself is improving in his art duties as the arc is wearing on.


Twelve years in the future, Captain Cold dies of a stage four bone cancer due to complications arising from his merging his DNA with his powers. It’s very real life situation that is evoked here as Len slowly dies, unloved by apparently everyone.
The Future Flash arrives on the scene and reminisces of the time Cold became a Leaguer, much to Barry’s chargin.

Barry converses more about how he felt the Speed Force unraveling around him, going from little things like tea getting cold or an eaten bagel to deaths and accidents like the one which claimed Wally.

He again reaffirms that he’s going to kill himself and let someone better take over as he stops Snart’s heart.

Next day, the doctor finds Len dead and tells him that her son was on a trip when Snart froze the entire river, leaving him with nightmares. The last sight though is of Captain Cold smiling in his death, his last moments having been with the person closest to being a friend.

Meanwhile in the present, Flash continues his investigation into the copycat supervillain as this time he encounters him with the environment warping weapons of Merge.

As he gets the upper hand, the copycat uses a gravity gun to send Flash flying. Only a timely intervention by Patty using her GPS tracker saves him from soaring away.

Patty though leaves in a huff when she learns that he is going baseball watching with Iris and Wally. Barry comments how he’s losing time again.

At the game, Wally and Barry bond over baseball and everything seems right with the world…..

For now…………


The arc is getting better and better as Vendetti and Booth find their groove, with both present and future sections proving rich fodder for thought.

The interactions are excellent while the pervading air of threat is making this a great read.

So, I give it 8.0 out of 10.

+Excellent character interactions
+Some good artwork
+Nice emotional moments

-Wally and Barry’s arc feels a little unbalanced

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