Thursday, October 3, 2013

Forever Evil #2 Review

As the Crime Syndicate starts to take over the Earth, rebellion brews in various corners.

This was a good installment in as much as it furthered the plot and gave some great character development to the members of the Syndicate.

What it didn't do was handle the Teen Titans very well. Given that Johns have a great run on the Titans, he should have done more than just set up another arc, which is at the mercy of Lobdell ('shudder').

But I digress. As usual, Johns proves how capable he is of giving different shades to different characters. The artwork is adequate for this event, managing to maintain the gritty atmosphere. Through I do wish Finch drew the faces a little better.

And the revelations, oh the revelations! I can safely say now that Forever Evil may become one of the best DC events ever if they can keep up this level.

This is a must buy for anyone following DC and fans of the Syndicate and Lex Luthor. Titans fans should really not be misled by the cover, as the battle takes place for only 2-3 pages and is absolutely mind-numbing at best.

SPOILERS follow....................................


This was an entertaining book, I have to give Johns credit for that. The art was suited for this event and the story, excepting the Teen Titans part, was very good.

If you love DC, this event book is for you.

So, I give it 8.5 out of 10.

+The character development for the Syndicate
+The gritty artwork is suitable for this event
+The reveals are brilliantly done.

-Teen Titans, especially Tim, mishandled once again.


  1. I enjoyed this review quite a bit. I think you have a lot of good writing in here, and some really great points. I will definitely be keeping my eye on this blog, keep writing!
